Wednesday, February 20, 2008

First Things First

This first piece of my mind is for those who think they know it all. To those who don’t like to listen to critiques, constructive criticism, progressive ideas, are intolerant and unacceptant to new input, tunnel vision and minded alike, etc; and on top of all this, coming from foreign mouths. Be ready to detect some small, but unavoidable for a fifty/fifty like me, grammatical errors.

Already, if you are of the sort of the above description, you will not be here reading anymore, listening to this “your adjective here” who thinks he is what more than me? Or, maybe you are of that sort, or not, and you’re still reading with a grin or smirk on your face, thinking: “I think I know this kid”. And probably we are strangers, but you hope I can catch your attention. I hope so, as well.

Yeah, yeah, I’m a “youngster” (is what a black man around his fifties called a young teen boy, as they played one-on-one meatball on a Venice Beach, Ca. basketball court, telling this black boy: “you ain’t got no game”, as the youngster could not avoid a frustrating, smashing loss, to the elder. The only conversation was a one-way flow of “you ain’t got no game, youngsta” down the generation hierarchy.)

I do think I have some kind of game, just to give myself some credit here. Some think I do not. But, I do have politeness, and that is something a grand majority lack. It could be ignorance, excessive pride in oneself, lack of education, or a simple combination of many, or even none of the above included factors, which make someone not polite.

Politeness is the base, along with straight forward honesty.

I don’t want to, and I’m not throwing flowers at myself, but I am an honest homo sapiens sapiens. And, I am momentarily stalled professionally, due to the ugliest legal battle, between two of the wealthiest men on planet Tierra, over the America’s Cup. That is why I have decided to publicly express myself, amigos. I enjoy being outspoken. Take it if you like it, or let it fly if you don’t.

Although I must say that, to the contrary of all this exposed above, I am the first to admit error and fault publicly, listen to criticism, in private and in public (but not about my privates), and use and promote fluent communication, for clear comprehension, all in order to achieve a desired goal, set by a team. And that team could be our family, group of friends, or co-workers.

So, this is the first grain of rice of what you will see become a rice field.

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